1. I am allergic to kiwi. 2. I have found it is impossible to not want to smell my own farts. 3. I had a lateral release surgery on both...
1. I am allergic to kiwi. 2. I have found it is impossible to not want to smell my own farts. 3. I had a lateral release surgery on both...
Well, HELLO THERE. Missed a couple uploads, didn't I? Just over here being creative in many forms. Which is of course stripping some blog...
I need you to do something for yourself. Right now. Grab a piece of paper or your phone. List 3 - 5 life goals you hold for yourself....
Life is fluid. What I want to focus on right now may not be the same come October. I may find something of more importance to me next...
Hola amigos! I have some news. I went back to school. Yep. I did that. Professional student here. Nah, not really. I am enrolled in...
Holy shit. I had to check myself last week. This girl got herself all riled up. This year we spent twelve days in Mexico. I was actually...
I am currently reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. & I'm in Mexico. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. Here are...
Insert tears. Bittersweet end for me. 2018 was the BEST year of my life. While I don't want to say goodbye, I am so excited for what 2019...
How many of you out here that are or have been sick heard this in your life? It's probably one of the comments that annoys me the most...
Guys. I'm struggling. This time of the year is rough. The week between Christmas and New Years is hard to navigate. Remember my...
Did you find out your personality type? If so, I hope you've had fun enjoying making sense of who you are and why you do (or don't do)...
GOOD DAY TO ALL THE DIFFERENT PERSONALITY TYPES OUT THERE DOING THEIR THING. You guessed it. Today we are talking about personality...
I stared a post the other day on Facebook that said this: "I'm going to go lay under the Christmas tree to let my family know I am a...
HI FRIENDS! Keeping today and tomorrow's post short and sweet. After all, it's family time!! More often than not, our weaknesses are...
Part 2 coming at you today, folks! I hope you are enjoying your weekend and gearing up for your holiday festivities. I'm sure for some of...
FRIENDS!!! Coming at you with another three part post. A little something to get you thinking about who you want to be in the new year...
For me, Christmas = Stress. Don't need it. Don't want it. The stress that is. So I simplified. I stopped doing something that didn't feel...
Christmas is rough for me. An unpopular opinion, I understand. While it poses a lot of stress for people, the beauty of it usually...
BECAUSE WE CAN ALL DO HARD THINGS. While tough days are not really a regular thing for me anymore, I do have tough moments. Especially...
I wrote this post on June 6, 2017. I was in between my times at Mayo; I had finished up all my appointments and had to wait until July to...